The Hypnobirthing Pack

Fully comprehensive antenatal hypnobirthing programme


Get started now!

The Positive Birth Company hypnobirthing program is designed to empower women, birthing people and their birth partners to create positive birth experiences, because birth matters and a positive birth experience offers lifelong benefits for all. The Hypnobirthing Digital Pack is The Positive Birth Company's online program and part of our mission to make hypnobirthing more accessible for all, because every woman and birthing person deserves the best birth possible. The course is designed to ensure you are fully informed, empowered to make the best decisions for you and your baby and armed with practical tools you can use to remain calm and relaxed throughout your birth.

Have you seen our Bundle Offer? Buy both of our best selling courses -The Hypnobirthing Digital Pack & Postpartum Pack for a special price click here

What's included...

  • 6+ hours of video content (43 individual videos)
  • Closed Caption subtitles (option to switch on / off)
  • 8x MP3s to download (option to have background music or voice-only)
  • Scripted guided relaxations for pregnancy in downloadable PDF format so you can read the meditations as well as listen to them.
  • A course notes booklet in PDF format to download
  • A fully editable birth preferences template to download and complete
  • A sample copy of completed birth preferences to use for reference
  • Access to a private Facebook group for ongoing support and daily positive birth stories
  • Regular Facebook Live Q&A sessions with Siobhan Miller, founder of The Positive Birth Company and creator of the Hypnobirthing Digital Pack
  • A fully comprehensive Infant Feeding Guide by Breastfeeding Counsellor Adele Jarrett-Kerr

What's covered...

  • The course is a fully comprehensive hypnobirthing antenatal course. The 43 videos have been divided into different sections with each section covering a different topic. For example, one section covers the science behind hypnobirthing; the physiology of birth, how the uterus muscles work, the hormones produced etc. Another section covers relaxation techniques. Another covers interventions including induction and cesarean birth and how you can make all births a positive experience. Another section covers the stages of natural labour in detail, including the third stage so you're fully informed about the benefits of skin-to-skin, delayed cord clamping and what active management means and why you might opt for it. You also have the option to switch on closed caption subtitles on all 43 videos.
  • The audios which include guided meditations, positive affirmations and breathing practice are for regular listening. You have the option to download with background music or voice-only depending on preference. The course notes booklet is for your reference throughout but has been created with birth partners in mind. It includes a comprehensive birth bag packing list and practice schedule. The birth preferences template should be filled out once you have watched all the videos and completed the course, then given to those who will be supporting you in birth. The template is fully editable and can be completed online but there is also the option to download and complete by hand if you prefer.
  • You also have access to a private Facebook group - a community of women and birthing people who have previously completed a hypnobirthing course with The Positive Birth Company. The group is a place you can go for ongoing support and to read all the amazing and inspiring birth stories that you'll find there.

  • We have also added a fully comprehensive Infant Breastfeeding Guide created by The Positive Birth Company’s breastfeeding counsellor Adele Jarret-Kerr, covering breastfeeding basics, how to prepare for breastfeeding, breastfeeding twins and multiples, supplementing and expressing and breastfeeding guidance for trans and non-binary parents.

For all parents across the globe

We know there are lots of barriers that prohibit women and birthing people from accessing hypnobirthing classes including cost, location, time, childcare to name but a few. We believe the Hypnobirthing Digital Pack removes these barriers by being affordable and accessible wherever you are* and whenever you are free. You can binge watch the videos, or watch just one an evening if you prefer a bitesize approach to learning. The choice is completely yours and you are free to progress through the course in the way that best suits you.

*so long as you have wifi

Your Instructor

Siobhan Miller
Siobhan Miller

Siobhan is a Hypnobirthing teacher, Mum of 4 and founder of The Positive Birth Company. Passionate about empowering women (and birth partners) to create positive birth experiences. On a mission to make hypnobirthing more accessible, because everyone deserves the best birth possible. Motivated to make a positive change in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
You can start the course as soon as you like. It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
12 months. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for 12 months - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with the pack and have watched less than 20% of the content, then please contact us in the first 14 days and we will give you a full refund.
How do I access the course content?
Once you have purchased the Hypnobirthing Digital Pack and created an account for yourself, you will be sent a confirmation email which contains the link you need to login so you can access the course whenever you want. Alternatively you can login with your account details by clicking on the button below. Or if you have an iPhone or iPad you can download the iOS teachable app for free and access the course that way. You will still need to purchase the Hypnobirthing Digital Pack and create an account before being able to access the course content within the app.


Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll